Law Center Updates

Board of Directors Updates from May Meeting

At our 2017 annual meeting on May 18, our Board of Directors elected two new members, recognized three departing members, and elected a new slate of board officers.

Law Center to be Honored at “Turning the Page for Change” Event

The Philadelphia Public School Notebook will honor the Law Center, the Education Law Center, and O’Melveny & Myers LLP at its annual fundraiser, “Turning the Page for Change.”

Confirmation Hearings: Take Action on the Tom Price Nomination

This is the fourth in our series of action items to address certain of President-Elect Donald Trump’s nominations. Today’s topic is the nomination of Representative Tom Price for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Confirmation Hearings: Take Action on the Scott Pruitt Nomination

This is the third in our series of action items to address certain of President Elect Donald Trump’s nominations. Today’s topic is the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to serve as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Confirmation Hearings: Take Action on the Betsy DeVos Nomination

This is the second in our series of actions items to address certain of President Elect Donald Trump’s nominations. Today’s topic is the nomination of Betsy DeVos of Grand Rapids, Michigan, for Secretary of the Department of Education.

Confirmation Hearings: Take Action on the Jeff Sessions Nomination

As we promised last week, today begins the first in our series of actions items to address certain of President Elect Donald Trump’s nominations. Today’s topic is the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General of the United States.

We are Taking Action on Trump Cabinet Nominations; Why you Should too

We are Taking Action on Trump Cabinet Nominations; Why you Should too

Law Center Mourns Passing of Jerry Balter

The Law Center is sorry to report that our former colleague, Jerry Balter, has died at age 94. His contribution to the Law Center and to the development of environmental law to serve our community during the 28 years he spent at the Law Center was extraordinary. But that was only the second half of a remarkable life.

New Board Member Elected at Annual Meeting

We are pleased to welcome one new board member and thank departing board members for their service.

Orlando: A Statement By The Public Interest Law Center

There is no place for hate in America. We condemn hate of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex Latinx people who were the targets of the attacks in Orlando; hate of the millions of Muslims who are among us as residents and citizens and will be blamed in the days to come; or, even, hate of the haters. Hate is corrosive. It transformed a place of sanctuary and liberation into a place of violence. It turns us on each other, when what we most need is to unite.

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