Your donation, one-time or monthly, helps make equality and basic resources — quality public schools, safe housing, a voice at the ballot box, and more — a reality for millions of people in Pennsylvania who face poverty and discrimination. We do not charge our clients for our services, so our continued operations are absolutely dependent upon the generosity of donors like you.
There are also many other ways to make a tax-deductible donation to the Law Center.
Donate to the Public Interest Law Center without breaking the bank! A recurring monthly gift of any size entered at the link above can make a big difference over time. Monthly support ensures a steady, reliable source of income to fund critical work.
You may donate by credit card over the phone by calling 267-546-1303.
Mail your check, made payable to the Public Interest Law Center, to:Two Penn Center
1500 JFK Boulevard, Suite 802
Philadelphia PA 19102
If your company runs a United Way campaign, you can designate the Law Center for your gift; our option number for United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania is 572.
Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations.
Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift.To find out if your company will match gifts to the Public Interest Law Center, please contact your employer and request their matching gift form. Send it with your donation to our mailing address:
Two Penn Center
1500 JFK Boulevard, Suite 802
Philadelphia PA 19102
To make a stock gift to the Law Center, contact LaTrice Brooks at or 215-627-7100 ext. 232 for transfer information.
If you’re interested in learning more about including the Law Center in your estate plans, please click here to learn about the Law Center’s Ned Wolf Society.
The Law Center accepts gifts from Donor-Advised Funds. Donors can recommend grants from their DAF accounts to the Law Center by reaching out to their advisor. If you have questions, please contact Dena Driscoll, Director of Development and Communications, at 267-546-1309 or
If your DAF is with Fidelity, Schwab, or BNY Mellon, you can recommend a gift to the Law Center directly through this form.
Select the Law Center as your charity of choice on AmazonSmile and we will receive 0.5% of the value of all eligible purchases in the form of donation direct from Amazon.
The Thomas K. Gilhool Disability Rights Center FundHoused at the Philadelphia Foundation, this endowment, once fully funded, will pay for a new generation of lawyers to lead our work of empowering children and adults with disabilities to live, work, and play in the community deep into the 21st century. To contribute to this fund, you can either donate online at the Philadelphia Foundation website, or checks can be directed to the Philadelphia Foundation at the following address:
Philadelphia Foundation
Thomas K. Gilhool Disability Rights Center Fund
P.O. Box 826728
Philadelphia, PA 19182-6728
Please include “Thomas K. Gilhool Disability Rights Center Fund” in the memo line.
The official registration and financial information of the Public Interest Law Center may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.