Protecting Our Right to Vote in 2024

Protecting Our Right to Vote in 2024

The Public Interest Law Center knows how much is at stake in every election. We’ve spent years fighting to ensure that every vote counts, and that every community is represented fairly. As the 2024 election approaches, democracy faces new challenges, and safeguarding the right to vote is more critical than ever. We currently have three key lawsuits underway, challenging barriers to mail-in and provisional voting at both county and state levels in Pennsylvania. These efforts are essential to protect the fundamental right to vote this November and beyond.

Fast-Tracked Cases for Election Integrity

With the general election on November 5th just weeks away, the Law Center remains focused on the cases we have brought since the primary in the spring which focus on challenging mail ballot dating errors, ensuring provisional ballots as a safety net and the timely notification of ballot issues. We anticipate that they will not only protect voting rights in Pennsylvania but also establish legal precedents with lasting impact. As the fight for fair elections continues, we are prepared for additional cases to emerge as new forms of disenfranchisement surface.

Why We Fight

At the Law Center, we understand that protecting the right to vote is about more than individual ballots—it’s about ensuring that communities, especially those historically marginalized, have a say in shaping their futures. We are not only advocating for fair voting practices, but for a more equitable society.

From challenging gerrymandering and advocating for fair school funding, to promoting access to healthcare and housing, our work addresses the fundamental barriers that prevent people from fully participating in their communities. The right to vote lies at the heart of this mission, and it is one we are proud to fight for.


Voting Rights Groups File Suit at Pa. Supreme Court to Stop Enforcement of Handwritten Date Rule for Mail Ballot Return Envelopes

Pa. Commonwealth Court Upholds Decision Requiring Washington County to Inform Voters of Mail Ballot Errors

Washington County voters bring legal action against county for mail ballot disqualification