Testimony to the members of the Committees on Housing, Neighborhood Development and the Homeless, and Public Property and Public Works – October 30, 2024
On October 30, 2024, Sari Bernstein, staff attorney at the Public Interest Law Center, testified before the Philadelphia City Council Committees on Housing, Neighborhood Development, Public Property, and Public Works to address the Philadelphia Land Bank’s role in preserving community gardens and green spaces. While the Land Bank was established a decade ago to streamline the revitalization of abandoned land, its slow progress has hindered the protection of community assets like gardens, essential for urban agriculture, reducing crime, and mitigating climate impacts. Despite community demand, only a small fraction of garden applications have been approved, leaving many local gardeners without a clear path to secure city-owned land.To advance the Land Bank’s mission, Bernstein recommended a strategic vision with regular public engagement, transparent reporting, and refined policies that better address community needs. She urged City Council to enforce a three-year strategic planning process and yearly performance evaluations, which would ensure accountability and prioritize equitable land use. Additionally, Bernstein advocated for updating Acquisition and Disposition Policies to safeguard multi-parcel gardens, preventing them from being sold off in fragmented pieces. Finally, she emphasized the need for accurate, detailed performance data on land acquisitions and dispositions, which would allow the public to assess the Land Bank’s impact effectively.Read the full testimony here: 24.10.30 Land Bank Hearing Testimony