Law Center Updates

Attend the City Council Public Hearing on June 12th to protect the Eastwick community and Heinz Wildlife Refuge!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:00 AM, City Hall Room 400

Special Education Should Be a Service Not a Place

In an article in the Legal Intelligencer, the Law Center’s Jennifer Clarke and David Hanyok  highlight the important role parents and lawyers play in making sure that children with disabilities receive a proper education in accordance with the 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Law Center: City Demands District Oversight, But Right Fight Is With Harrisburg

What John Street was forced to give away, Mayor Nutter is taking back: City oversight of the School District. Hidden in deceptively bureaucratic language, that is the stunning message of the request for an “Educational Accountability Agreement” Mayor Nutter sent to Chairman Archie and the other members of the School Reform Commission (SRC) last week. […]

Law Center Attorney Testifies Before SRC

In May 2011, Law Center attorney Michael Churchill addressed the School Reform Commission (SRC) in response to a report issued by the Accountability Review Council (ARC), urging them to sharpen their analysis of the Renaissance School initiative over the coming year.

Law Center Attorney Testifies before U.S. Department of Education Commission

In April 2011, Law Center attorney Michael Churchill spoke before the Equity and Excellence Commission of the U.S. Department of Education on the effects unequal school funding has had in Pennsylvania, particularly in Philadelphia public schools.

Law Center Recommends Changes In State Constitution To Make Education Mandate Enforceable, Funding More Equitable

On Wednesday, March 16th, Law Center attorney Michael Churchill testified in front the Public Education Subcommittee of the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Constitutional Review Commission at Widener Law School.

Education Equity

[PressOK-col-reg] School Funding Lawsuit Advocates Heading to Court Over School Funding – Public News Service, August 2, 2016 Your school property taxes are probably rising again. Here’s how much — and why – Philadelphia Inquirer, June 30, 2016 School funding creates divide in state attorney general’s race – Associated Press, May 28, 2016 Can More […]

Law Center Attorney Testifies Before The EPA Regarding Potentially Harmful Emissions Rule Change

In August 2010, Law Center attorney Adam Cutler offered testimony to the EPA in connection with a proposed new rule requiring further reductions in the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide.

Law Center Comments On EPA’s Environmental Justice Plan

The Law Center offered feedback on the draft of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Plan EJ 2014, released for public comment. The plan, which pledges to incorporate environmental justice in all of the EPA’s operations, is an encouraging sign of the agency’s renewed commitment to environmental justice.

Study Co-Sponsored By Law Center Measures Economic Benefits Of Proposed EPA Rule

The Law Center co-sponsored an economic study released December 8th finding that without key pollution controls, pollution from coal-fired power plants is costing businesses in affected downwind states nearly $6 billion annually due to higher labor and insurance costs, lost work days, and lost productivity.

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