The New Leviathan: Re-Examining the Expansion of Federal Power

Law Center executive director Jennifer Clarke will be part of a panel about voting rights at the Penn Federalist Society student symposium on February 6. 

Ms. Clarke’s panel, Searching for a Formula: The Right to Vote and Federal Election Regulation, will examine the interrelationship between the federal and state powers and individual voting rights in light of recent Supreme Court opinions and federal policy.

Tickets to this event at Penn are free, although attendees seeking CLE credit should bring $82.50 ($41.25 public interest attorneys) cash or check made payable to The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.

Register Here

1:00pm-2:30pm Searching for a Formula: The Right to Vote and Federal Election Regulation

The individual right to vote and the power of each state to determine the time, place and manner of elections are core values in our civil society. The federal government has shown a renewed interest in election law,  unconvinced that the former right is well protected by the latter power. But as Shelby County v. Holder demonstrated, this renewed interest can lead to complex and difficult conflicts. This panel will examine the interrelationship between the federal and state powers and individual rights in light of recent Supreme Court opinions and federal policy.


Jerry H. Goldfeder, Moderator, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, LLP, Adjunct Professor at Univeristy of Pennsylvania School of Law

Jennifer Clarke, Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia

Professor David Adamany, Temple University

Brendan Morrissey, Wiley Rein LLP

Professor Allison Hayward, Office of Congressional Ethics