We are pleased to welcome one new board member and thank departing board members for their service.

At our annual meeting in June, the board voted to induct Daryn Rush into its membership. Daryn is a partner at White and Williams LLP.
The board and staff also expressed gratitude to Alexandra Edsall and Alan Sandals, who have completed terms as board members and have been invaluable assets to the Public Interest Law Center.
Special recognition was given to departing board member Donald Joseph, who resigned from the board after more than 30 years of service. Donald joined the board in 1985 and quickly became an integral part of the organization. He served as board chair between 1996 and 1999, and as vice chair between 2004 and 2008.
At the Annual Meeting, Donald said, “We all gain great pleasure from being associated with the remarkable, system changing achievements of the Law Center and the excellence it represents. And it gives many of us opportunities to grow not always available in the competitive practice of law. I will always look back with great fondness on those many years of service, those numerous opportunities and the wonderful people, including all of you, with whom I have had the pleasure of working and socializing.”

The board also re-elected the current slate of officers for a second term. Brian Feeney remains board chair, Lea Knight vice chair, Ellen Friedell treasurer, and Marc Topaz secretary. These board officers are pictured below (from left to right as introduced in this paragraph).