Individual Supporters

The Law Center thanks the following individuals for their generosity in supporting our work in 2023

John Chou and Teresa Wallace
Ellen and Steve Friedel –  In Memory of Barbara Macholz Grimaldi

Ellen Meriwether and Steven Goldfield
H. Laddie and Linda Montague
David and Gayle Smith

Richard Berkman and Toni Seidl
Richard Bilotti and Katherine L. Hatton
Mark and Tobey Dichter
Andrea and Ken Frazier
Kristin Thomson
Marc A. Topaz and Jacqueline S. Topaz
Richard and Anne Umbrecht
Robert and Elisa Wiygul – In memory of Eric Beller

Margaret Barry and Jeff Abrams
Michael Basch and Ann Isaacs
Martin and Nancy Black
Colleen Christian
Hope D’Oyley-Gay and Anthony Gay
William H. Ewing
David Gersch and Cathy Hoffman
Jeff Golan and Frances Vilella-Vélez
The Goodman Family
Claude and Lea Knight
Robin Mann
Mimi and Jim McKenzie
Melissa Hatch O’Donnell and John O’Donnell
Kimberly C. Oxholm and Carl Oxholm III
Wesley R. and Diane Payne
Pam and Tony Schneider
Susan Sorenson and Richard Berk
William and Genevieve Tung
Elizabeth Werthan

Glenn and Susan Blumenfeld
Lucy and Sam Danon
Mary Felley
Molly Flynn
David and Donna Gerson
Virginia Gibson and Lawrence Kutys – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Nancy and Gary Gordon
Lisa Clark and David Haas
Deborah and Zachary Klehr – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Liz and Pete Lambert
Robert and Leslie LaRocca
Kaitlyn Maxwell
Don Perelman and Elise Singer
David Richman and Janet Perry – In Honor of Michael Churchill and Jenny Clarke
Jackie and Wade Robinson
Marian Schneider and George Cotsarelis
Michael Scott and Robin Hauner – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
The Honorable Flora Barth Wolf and Laslo Boyd

Irv Ackelsberg and Patricia A. Urevick
Zachary Arbitman and Julie Perkins
Theodore R. and Barbara B. Aronson
Nicholas Baldick
Richard and Eileen Bazelon
James M. Becker
Mark and Linda M. BernsteinAllen D. Black and Randolph Apgar – In Honor of Don Perelman and Elise Singer
Adam C. Bonin
Patricia and Paul Bonney
John Caddell
Warren D. and Cecily A. Carel – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Daniella and Andrew Cavenagh
Josh Cedar
Michael Churchill and Tasha Stonorov
Caitlin Coslett and Liz Kukura
Abbi Cohen and Thomas O’Connell
J. Gordon Cooney Jr.
David Dye and Karen Heller – In Honor of Mimi McKenzie
David J. Feldman – In Honor of Claire Southorn McKenzie
Bret Flaherty and Helen Gym
Amy Ginensky and Andrew Rogoff
Wendy and Richard Glazer
Stephen and Barbara Gold – In Memory of David Major, M.D.
Glenn Gundersen
F. John Hagele
Robert and Eileen Heim
Katherine Hollenberg
Sarah Kang and Eric Seo
Howard Langer and Barbara Jaffe
Peter E. Leckman and Catherine E. Price
Michael Lehr and Linda Pennington
Elaine Lindy
Elisa McEnroe
Kathleen Meriwether and Thomas Mahoney
Benjamin and Meta Neilson
Arthur E. Newbold
Gary Newman – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
David Newmann – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Rick and Nancy Pasquier
Nancy R. Posel
Hugh Roberts
Mitchell and Amy Russell
Paul and Susan Saint-Antoine
William W. and Sharon C. Schwarze
Patty and Stephen Segal
Andrew Stober and Keren Sofer
Joseph and Bernadette Tate
Elisabeth Theodore and Jonathan Mayer
Dana Trexler
Robert Victor and Alexandra Edsall
Bob Warner and Jean Hemphill
Andrew Wheeler
David and Betsy Wice

Peter and Christine Ackourey
Mason Apostol
Leah Snyder Batchis
Dean Beer and Angela D’Orsi
Hector Bones
Jennifer and Robert Celata
Jennifer Clarke and Alan Barstow
Amy and Michael Cohen
Ned Diver
Brian T. Feeney
Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Dale Garson – In Honor of Jeff Garson
Barbara and William Geffen
Nancy J. Gellman
John and Marie Grogan
Deborah Gross and Stuart Kurtz
Edmund Harvey
Anne and John Hollyer
Katherine Hovde and Kenneth Kulak
Lauren Jacobs
Stanton Jones
Aliza Karetnick and Justin Chairman
Sarah Kloss and Hari Palaiyanur
Jill Kreps
Philip Lebowitz and Sharon Lee
Howard and Susan Levinson – In Honor of Michael Churchill, Dan Urevick-Ackelsberg and Ben Geffen
Stephen and Melissa Lewicki – In Honor of Ellen Meriwether
David Major and Evelyn Eskin
Melissa Maxman – In Honor of Don Perelman
Laurie Mazer
Kevin and Fran McJunkin
Jeffrey and Rosemary Moller – In Honor of Michael Churchill
Andrew P. Motel – In Honor of Michael Churchill
Patty Redenbaugh
Michael H. Reed
Curtis and Robin Roberts
Amy and Mitch Russel
Jodi Schatz and Dean Jerrehian
Douglas Schleicher and Aili Lazaar
Dveera Segal and Bradley Bridge
Tom Sharbaugh and Kristin Hayes
Elizabeth Shay – In Memory of Carolyn Walker
Paula Singer and Howard Kaufold
Michael Sklaroff
Henry and Beth Sommer Lynne Spencer – In Memory of Steven Spencer
Karen Jackson Vaughn
Erik and Joyce Videlock
James Weygandt and Bob Morris – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Birgitt and Larry Wirth
Abigail Wolf and Jonathan Weiss
Susannah Wolf
Andrew Wonnacott
Brian and Marion Young
Judy Yun and Michael Swarr

Joan and Jon Auritt
Mason Austin
Meredith Auten
Dana Baiocco
Maureen Barden and David Othmer
Roberta A Barsotti
Dana Bazelon
Julie Becker
Lauren Bennett – In Memory of Barbara Macholz Grimaldi
Katie Beran
Timothy Berger Lawrence and Julie Berger Judy Berkman
Sarah Bickel
Jeffrey Bodle
Edward H. Boehner
Alexander G. Bomstein and Natasha W. Cahill
Arnie and Linda Borish – In Memory of Bernard Borish
Alex Bowerman
Brian Boyle
Joan Bregstein – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Amy Brenner and Howard Schwartz
Shannon Breslin
Bonnie Brier and Bruce Rosenfield
Timothy Briggs
Ryan Brown
William H. Brown III and D. June Hairston-Brown
Steven and Lisa Bryer
Karen Bustard
Nohelia Canales
John Capowski
John Michael Catalano
Jane Century
Alison Chandless
Lori Chinitz
Rebecca Clement – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Derek Cohen
Steven and Stefanie Cohen – In Honor of Mimi McKenzie
Michael Coleman
Mary E. Conrad
Lisa Hyatt Cooper
William Cozzens and Carla Childs
Sara and Allan Crimm – In Memory of David Alan Major, M.D.
Kate D’Angelo
Katrina Daly – In Honor of Michael Churchill
Steven Datlof and Diane Harrison
Joshua Davis
Jim Davy
Claudia De Palma and Jacob Cooper
Maron Deering and Sandra Mayson
Susan DeJarnatt
Maxine Denker-Savett – In Honor of Cindy and Robert Savett
William and Stephenie DiCiurcio – In Honor of Alison DiCiurcio, Esq
Sharon M. Dietrich
Catherine D’Ignazio and Thomas Mandel
Tom Dolgenos and Sara Ricks
Gail Donner
Elisabeth Doolan
Dena Ferrara Driscoll
Dana and John Duffy
Bo and Caroline Ebby
Ilana Eisenstein
JoAnne Epps
Perri Evanson
Stephen Fattori
Maura Fay
Carmen Febo San Miguel
Richard and Linda Feder
Erik Federman
Danielle Feris
Betsy and Bob Fiebach
Elizabeth Fiedler
Ramonda Fields
Evan Fieldston
Daniel Filler
Carol Fixman and Stephen Kobrin
Howard and Lynne Flaxman
Stephen M. Foxman
Allan Freedman and Amy Rappaport
John A. Freedman and Cecily E. Baskir
Carl H. Fridy
Michael Froehlich
Frank Furstenberg
Abraham J. Gafni – In Memory of David Alan Major, M.D.
Toby Gang – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Benjamin and Maria Geffen
Rhona Gerber – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Hon. James T. Giles
Lindsay Gilmour
Morgan Glanton
Victoria Gold
Mary L. Goldman – In Memory of Thomas Gilhool
Deborah and Douglas Goodell
Brian Gordon
Adam Gordon
George Gould
Julia Gould
Caryn Gourley
Alex Graber – In Honor of Mica Iddings
John Greiner
Jonathan Grossberg
Jamie Gullen
Catherine Hamilton – In Memory of Mary Anna Schluckebier
Stephen and Ona Hamilton
Molly Hartman
Mary Hasbrouck and Jonathan Cohen
Thomas Hazlett
Darlene Hemerka
Debbie Hemerka
Dare Henry-Moss
James Higgins
Jessica Hilburn-Holmes
Rebecca Hillyer
Anne and John Hollyer
Sherna Hopkins
James and Lizanne Hughes
Mary W. Hurtig
Michael and Kim Hynes
Mica Iddings
Shauna Itri and Daniel Miller
Lynne Jacobs
Arlene and Leonard Jarett
Rose Johnson
Steven Kaplan and Ellen Mattleman Kaplan
Mark Kasten
Bob Kaufman and Jane Shure
Jessica Khan
Tarik Khan
Karel Kilimnik
Wilbur and Rachel Kipnes
H. Ronald Klasko
Daphne Klausner
Leonard and Susan Klehr
Alan F Klein – In Honor of Michael Churchill
Kara Kneidl
Elizabeth Kozart
Seth Kreimer
Julie Krug – In Honor of Wendy Forman
Rhonda Lambert
Don Lancaster and Faye Bradwick
Rue Landau
Charles Lange
Lora Lavin
Beth Lawn
Katrina Le Blanc
Jessica Lee
James Lemanowicz
Lawrence Levine
Jeffrey Lichtenstein
Michael Lindy
Jan Linowitz and Tom Wadden
Audrey Croley Little
Jen Lutz and Jack O’Brien
Nancy Machinist
Lin and John Macholz – In Memory of Barbara Macholz Grimaldi
Matthew Macken
Samantha Madera
William Madway – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordo
David and Kathy Mandelbaum
Joseph Manko – In Memory of Lynn Manko
Janice Manzi and Harlod Cohen – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Heather Marcus
Lia Mastropolo
James and Deborah Maxwell
Dennis McAndrews
Julia McGrath
Maura McInerney – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Addie McKenzie
John McKenzie
John and Susan McKenzie – In Honor of Mimi McKenzie
Katie McKenzie
Lydie McKenzie
Mary McLaughlin
Laura McNally
Priscilla McNulty
Barbara Melby
James and Sandra Meyer
Ellen Milgrim
Carol Miller – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Chanda Miller
Taylor M. Miller
Allan and Sandra Molotsky
Andrea and Jonathan Moselle
Jack and Barbara Nagel
Priya Narahari – In Honor of CVB
Sharan Nirmul
Diane Nordheimer – In Honor of Michael Churchill
John O’Donnell
Irene Oslick
George Overhiser
Erin Owen
Thomas D. Paradise, Esq.
Diane Payne
James and Kathleen Pierson
Morgan Plant – In Honor of Michael Churchill
Mary Posner
Rebecca Poyourow
Lara Putnam and Douglas Wible
Rocky Query and Betsy Bates
Erin Randolph-Williams
Cindy Rappoport – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Melissa Rasman and Thomas Hurley
Judith Ratner – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Lisa M. Rau
Abraham C. Reich and Sherri Reich
Judith Renzulli
Diane and Paul Reott
Mindee Reuben and Dennis Abramson
Estelle B. Richman
John and Teri Rigby
Carl Geoffrey Roberts
Lynne Roberts – In Honor of Michael Churchill
Mary Catharine Roper
Patricia Rose and Marta Dabezies
Barbara Rosenberg – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Richard Rosenblatt
Keith and Silvia Rosenn
Daniel Ross
Eric and Jill Green Rothschild
Jason W. Rubin
Louis and Carolyn Rulli – In Honor of Daniel Urevick-Ackelsberg
Wali Rushdan
Daniel Safer and Rachel Mausner
A. Sagar
Michael Salmanson
Andrew Saltz and Steph Davis
Linda Samost and Ira Goldstein
Robert G. Sanders
James Sandman
Teresa Sarmina
Jeffrey and Carol Lee Savery
Francis Schluckebier
Maryanne Schluckebier – In Honor of Mary Beth Schluckebier
Theodore Schmiechen
Amy Schuh
Janet Schwartz, O.D. – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Ann Kane Seidman
Helen Seitz
Joseph J. Serritella and Elizabeth McCaffrey
Brian and Julie Shaffer
Carolyn J. Shaner
David Shapiro
Betsy Sheerr
Kevin Shmelzer
Lauren Katz Smith
Paul Socolar
Carl A. and Nancy M. Solano
Rachel Sommer
Marc Sonnenfeld and Ann Laupheimer
Damaris Eloise South
Jeremy Spiegel
Frederick Stoss – In Memory of Barbara Macholz Grimaldi
Seymour and Janet Stotland
Sarah Stuart
Glen Stuart
Addy Sugarman and Marsh Greenberg
Aaron Suh
Erin Sullivan
Charnae Supplee
Kelly Tannen – In Memory of Mary Brooks
Anne Taylor
Michael Temin and Anne Hearn
Patrice Temple-West – In Honor of Patrick F.E. Temple-West
William Toffey
Brett and Ellenmarie Topche
Walter H. Tsou
Judy Turetsky
Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg
Diego Vargas – In Honor of Lily Helen Vargas O’Connor
Kate Vasudevan
Tim Wagner
Gretchen Walker – In Memory of David Major, M.D.
Michaela Wallin
Bill and Dana Weeks – In Honor of Claire Southorn McKenzie and Mimi McKenzie
Richard Weening – In Honor of Thomas Weening
Barbara Welsh – In Honor of Bessie Dewar and Alex Walsh
Nicole White
F. John White
Randal and Leanna Whitman
CJ Widenhouse
Mark and Janet Widoff
Lauren Wilchek
Patricia and Thomas Willis Jr.
Benjamin Wilson
Susan Windle and Wendy Galson
Ilene and David Winikur
Thomas and Roberta Winters
Tom Witt – In Honor of Nancy Bregstein Gordon
Shawn Wright
Nancy Wygant
Mims Zabriskie
Juliet Zavon
Lauren Zeitlin – In Honor of Michael Churchill

Where tributes are noted it means that some or all of that donor’s gifts during the year were in honor or memory of the individuals listed.

This list recognizes donors who gave to the Law Center for the 2023 calendar year. Every effort was made to ensure accuracy. Contact Steph Davis with questions or concerns at 267-546-1303.