If you are a resident of East Oak Lane, West Oak Lane, or Germantown, a new project may be able to help with common legal issues that make it hard for people to stay in their homes.
Who we are
Community Legal Services, Philadelphia Legal Assistance, and The Public Interest Law Center provide free legal assistance to low-income Philadelphians. Community Redevelopment Legal Assistance (CRLA) is our joint project to expand our impact in East Oak Lane, West Oak Lane, and Germantown (ZIP Codes 19126, 19138, 19144).
CRLA’s goal is to expand our outreach and client work on the following legal issues:
- Homeownership (property tax and deed complications)
- Utility Affordability (gas, electric, and water)
- Income Tax issues
- Unemployment Compensation
- Access to Employment for Individuals with Criminal Records
Through this collaboration, Regional Housing Legal Services has brought legal aid organizations together to help community members stay in their homes by addressing the issues that threaten housing stability in their neighborhoods.
Contact us
- Energy (CLS): Rebecca McCord 267-443-2676, rmccord@clsphila.org
- Property Tax/Tangled Title Issues (CLS): Rebecca McCord 267-443-2676, rmccord@clsphila.org
- Unemployment Compensation (PLA): Michael Riccio, 215-981-3825, mriccio@philalegal.org
- Income Tax Issues (PLA): Anthony Marqusee, 215-981-3826, amarqusee@philalegal.org
- Access to Employment (Public Interest Law Center): Claudia De Palma, 267-546-1313, cdepalma@pubintlaw.org
Learn more
See all the services available through CRLA in their scope of services brochure.