The Public Interest Law Center would like to learn more about how the School District of Philadelphia is doing conducting evaluations/reevaluations and providing related services during school building closures and virtual instruction.
We would like to speak with you to gain a better understanding of your experience getting evaluations/revaluations and related services such as occupational therapy and speech therapy.
If you would be willing to speak with someone from the Law Center, please call (267) 546-1314 or email
Evaluations/reevaluations and related services such as physical therapy and speech language therapy are crucial for ensuring students with disabilities can access and progress in their education.
If you are a family in the School District of Philadelphia who wants to learn more about your student’s right to be evaluated/reevaluated and receive related services during the school closures, contact us for more information at 267-546-1314 or fill out an online request form at: