Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now v. Thomas Ridge

The last issue settled in this lawsuit ordered the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to designate transportation authorities as voter registration agencies. It subsequently required these agencies to provide voter registration opportunities to people with disabilities who were served through the authorities’ Americans with Disabilities Act Complementary Paratransit programs. Following state statute, Pennsylvania is required to designate state funded programs primarily engaged in providing services to persons with disabilities as voting registration agencies. As Pennsylvania’s general transportation services are operated on the funds provided to authorities by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the ADA Paratransit programs for people with disabilities fall under these services, the state was found obligated to designate them as voter registration agencies. This is only part of the impact this lawsuit had on making it easier for Pennsylvania residents to vote.

January 2000
Motions for Partial Summary Judgment on remaining issue for plaintiffs ACORN, et al., are granted.

October 1999
Stipulation on sole remaining issue of case filed.

Complaint filed to compel Pennsylvania to make it easier for citizens to register to vote