Call-to-Action for Public Education

On May 14th, call your state legislators and remind them that Harrisburg’s top priority this year must be to enact a new system that provides adequate and fair funding for public schools.

Every public school must have the resources necessary to enable every child to meet state academic standards, be prepared for post-secondary success, and become productive, knowledgeable, and engaged adults. Educating our children is a collective imperative that has positive social and economic benefits for the Commonwealth and its communities. Increased funding decreases achievement gaps and gives a lifetime boost to low-income students.

Ed Econ

Participating on May 14th is easy:

  1. Click here to look up your legislators’ contact info.
  2. Call legislators and in your own words, explain why we need our state government to get school funding back on track this year. Let them know you plan to follow the issues concerning public education. If you’d like, here are some suggested talking points:
    • Please support sufficient funding for public schools that provides every student with the opportunity to learn, to meet state standards, and to be self-sufficient adults, ready for college and the workforce. Money matters when it comes to providing programs and services.
    • Restore the state funding cuts and then drive out state funding to districts using a formula that is based on real factors and the real costs of delivering services, including student factors such as the number of students who live in poverty, who are English language learners, and who are homeless. It should also take into account district factors such as the sparsity/size of the district, local tax effort, local wealth, and the number of students attending charter schools.
    • Support a long-term, student-driven, and equitable funding formula that provides adequate resources for every student to be able to meet academic standards.
    • Support our School Funding Lawsuit.
  3. Then, if you have time, call Governor Wolf’s office at 717-787-2500 and ask them to hold strong on his support for fair funding for schools.
  4. Spread the word: Invite people you know to join you in making this call. Like our page on Facebook and the Campaign for Fair Education Funding’s page, and Tweet about it: #educationPA, #FairFundingPA
  5. After your call, email to let us know how it went.

Money matters for our schools. See how proficiency decreased in the year after funding was cut dramatically.

Ed Scores

Our legislators must take politics out of school funding and distribute state funding to school districts using a formula that is based on real factors and the real costs of delivering services. So let your legislators know and join the call to action on May 14th.

Click here to learn more about our work with the Campaign for Fair Education Funding.