Children with Emotional Problems: Avoiding Juvenile Justice and What Does Real Help Look Like?

RESCHEDULED: Join us on March 27, 2015 from 1-4 PM for Children with Emotional Problems: Avoiding Juvenile Justice and What Does Real Help Look Like? Purchase tickets here

1:00 to 4:00 P.M.

Speakers: Sonja Kerr; Co-Presenters: Dr. Joan Duvall-Flynn, PA NAACP

This session will help the participants navigate special education so that they may assist children who are either at home not receiving sufficient special education services, in the foster care system or the juvenile court system.

This session is co-sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania School of Policy and Practice. The University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice is a Pre-approved Provider of Continuing Education for Pennsylvania licensed social workers.

Purchase tickets here

Tickets & Format:

Seminars can be attended in person or via webinar. The Law Center is an approved provider for CLE and Act 48 credits. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide CLE credit for attorneys who attend via webinar.

We offer a variety of half-day training sessions, and occasionally provide abbreviated evening programs. Scroll down to view the full schedule and topics.

Tickets (Click here to buy tickets):

  • Attorney Ticket: $200
  • General Admission: $100
  • Webinar: $50 (Limited number of tickets available)
  • “Pay What You Can” and full scholarships are also available. You can purchase “Pay What You Can” tickets through any of our Eventbrite pages. If you are interested in a scholarship, please contact Jason Fortenberry at or at 267-546-1316. To purchase tickets for individual sessions, use the links included in the session descriptions below

2014-2015 Calendar

All courses are held in-person at the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia located at 1709 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103.



March 24, 2015: Leaving Gifted Kids Behind

1:00 to 4:00 P.M.

Speakers: Sonja Kerr; Co-Presenters: Pending

This session will assist the participants understand the requirements of Pennsylvania law governing gifted children, as well as to learn practical tips for ensuring gifted services, including a discussion about the racial composition of gifted services.

Purchase tickets here 



April 21, 2015: Your Right to a Fair Shot: Discrimination Claims, Post-Secondary and the Professions

1:00 to 4:00 P.M

Speakers: Sonja Kerr; Co-Presenters: Chuck Weiner

This session recognizes the critical role of the ADAAA, 504 and Chapter 15 to meet the needs of students with a variety of disabilities who do not qualify for special education services. The participants will be exposed to recent cases and practical strategies in formulating 504 service agreements.

Purchase tickets here


Questions? Email or call 267-546-1316.