The Law Center’s Garden Justice Legal Initiative will hold a clinic for threatened gardens on April 18, 2018, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society located at 10 N. 20th Street, 5th Floor Café, in Philadelphia. At the clinic, pro bono attorneys will be available to answer questions about the preservation of threatened community gardens, and gardeners who require ongoing representation will be paired with counsel that will help them navigate their individual legal issues.
On April 4, 2018, the Law Center’s Garden Justice Legal Initiative held a CLE, presenting a crash course on the legal tactics and strategies involved in representation and protection of threatened gardens. At the CLE, attorneys completed a questionnaire, which allowed them to articulate the type of representation they are willing to undertake, whether they are looking for long term or short term representation, and whether they are interested in volunteering at future clinics. At the clinic, volunteers will screen prospective clients to assess their legal needs. We will then cross reference this screening with the attorney questionnaire and contact appropriate attorneys to ask if they are interested in taking on specific representations.
Additionally, attorneys volunteering at the clinic likely will have an opportunity to advise those at the clinic with quick questions versus ongoing legal issues. This clinic is one of several that we will host throughout the year.
3.0 hours of CLE credit available for Pennsylvania attorneys.
Hosted by Public Interest Law Center staff attorney Ebony Griffin.