In a free presentation, learn more about Philadelphia’s housing crisis and how renters are fighting back from the tenant organizer and community lawyer who helped start Renters United / Inquilinxs en la Lucha Philadelphia (RUP)—including how they have continued to organize in a time of social distancing. Renters in Philadelphia are facing a multi-front housing crisis: an eviction crisis, a health crisis, and an affordability crisis. In 2019, the Law Center helped launch Renters United Philadelphia to organize and educate renters to fight for their rights to quality housing. RUP brings together renters who share a building, landlord, or neighborhood to collectively address their specific concerns.
When: Friday, May 8, 2020, 1-2 p.m.
Where: Online via Zoom
Cost: Free!
Nearly a third of all Philadelphia renters pay more than 50% of their income in rent, and many live in unsafe housing. A recent study found that 1 in 4 rental properties in the City are owned by corporate entities, making it more difficult for tenants to hold their landlords accountable. RUP seeks to help renters build the capacity to address these challenges using a variety of tactics, including direct action and litigation. Currently, RUP is organizing with Frankford tenants of MCM Management Solutions. The tenants are demanding housing quality improvements, an end to arbitrary rent increases and fees, and a plan to accommodate renters affected by COVID-19, including the cancellation of rent during the pandemic. Read more about their work in coverage from the Philadelphia Inquirer.